PAXworks Photo Gallery

photo by Gene Neidnagel

Waycross Episcopal Retreat and Conference Center

An all-natural grass, and wildflowers labyrinth. The rosette-center was designed for simplicity and beauty. It offers walkers a resting-place on the inward journey. The setting is in a meadow behind the conference center, near a babbling brook and line of mature trees. At a diameter of 90 feet, the total walk is about eight tenth of a mile. Time of day and season vary the experience.   It is located about 40 miles southwest of Indianapolis.  click photos to enlarge

the unique and welcoming rewarding center planting of the  Waycross Labyrinth

photo (c) Paxworks 2000

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2005 Spring wake up call at Waycross! 

Dr. Tom and the Labyrinth Guy check and adjust the paths of the Waycross Labyrinth.  Over time, different mowing styles of different workers can shift the paths by as little as a mower wheel width each week.

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